Linear Drains are Perfect for Homes

No matter where you are located, a proper drainage system is needed in order for any home to function. Linear drains provide the best drainage solutions for homes inside and outside, and they should be at the top of your list for drainage solutions for your home or next design.

Waterproofing Linear DrainFor example, stainless steel linear shower drains avoid water clogging and are very resistant to having residue or other large debris pass through them. They do not rust; they hold up perfectly when exposed to other elements; and since they do not allow water to accumulate, they do not have any bad smells associated with them. What homeowner wouldn’t love all of these qualities in their shower drains?

For the same reason, channel drains are very desirable for outdoor use. A stainless steel channel drain installed on your driveway will prevent any sort of flooding and help protect the homeowner from accidents. Again, the stainless steel holds up perfectly to the elements, which come into play during harsh weather conditions.

All in all, linear drains are perfect for nearly every use around today’s homes. Call LUXE Linear Drains at 877-398-8110 to learn more about utilizing our stainless steel linear drains in your next project or design.

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