The Houzz Community Rated LUXE Linear Drains “Best of 2013”

Luxe Linear Drains won a Houzz "Best of 2013" Award in the "Customer Satisfaction" category. This award is an honor because Houzz is a leading design website and the award is based, in part, on ratings and reviews from Houzz's 11 million monthly users. In recognition of this honor, a "Best of 2013" winner badge was placed on LUXE Linear Drains' Houzz … [Read more...]

Tips for Your Outdoor Beach-Style Shower

Outdoor showers are not just for the beach house anymore. In the city and mountains, at the lake or by the pool, you can build one anywhere. Privacy Issues: Do you want partial privacy, complete privacy, or none at all? Ask how your neighbors feel about that. Check your location from the street, the houses nearby, other rooms in your house, and the house … [Read more...]

Keep Your Linear Drain Sleek with a Mirror Polish

Crafted to allow for easy installation and flexible use, linear shower drains give any bathroom a modern and charming look. From homes to businesses and schools to healthcare facilities, there are a number of bathrooms across different venues that could benefit from the easy and fast installation of linear shower drains. Equipped to pair well with different … [Read more...]